General questions
Paypal cancels payment authorizations automatically after 29 days, so now when our delivery time has been longer than this, your order will shown as cancelled. But it doesn't affect your place in the queue and we will process all orders. We just need to contact you when we are ready to ship, to organize the payment and then the shipment will be released for delivery.
we ship with USPS / DHL Express depending on destination
It takes about one and half hours to charge from empty to 90%
Credit card,
Tinymight has two usage modes which is easily selectable when you turn the unit on. When started in "on-demand" mode, the vape heats up when the button is held pressed, and when button is released it goes back to standby.
In session mode, the vape heats up automatically and stays at a stable temperature level until turned off.
Parts that require cleaning from time to time are the glass tube and cooling unit within, and sometimes also the stainless steel mesh that protects the heater.
Glass tube with cooling unit can be rinsed with hot water and detergent, or submerged in solvent as isopropyl alcohol.
The internal parts are easily removed by opening a threaded ring in the front panel, and the parts slide out easily.
Yes. Tinymight has an adjustable chamber volume, and it works very well with the tiniest amounts of herb as well as greater amounts too.
No, the Tinymight is not intended to be used in connection with any illicit controlled substances. It is a high quality herbal aromatherapy device intended for legal aromatherapy purposes. If you intend to use it in connection with illicit controlled substances, we cannot sell it to you
There are counterfeit products on the market using illegally our design and trademark but those are not connected to Tinymight.
Any Tinymight products on sale since February 2022 have a serial number on the bottom panel, and a security code that our factory registers for each unit individually. If you are in doubt if the unit being marketed is an original one, please find out the list of our official retailers here on the FAQ-section, any other retailers have not received shipments directly from us so we cannot know the origin on their units. There are certain ways to recognize the most common counterfeit units, Tinymight 1: blue electronics circuit board which can be seen when removing the battery (We have never used a blue board in TM1). in TM2 we have ourselves used green, blue and black boards. In the most common fake TM2 units, the battery is inserted the opposite way than ours. There should be a "+" sign printed on the inside of our battery lid, but the fake ones have "-" sign there. If ever in doubt, you can ask for assistance from our customer service. And if you find some retailers selling counterfeit products, please let us know.
Any Tinymight products on sale since February 2022 have a serial number on the bottom panel, and a security code that our factory registers for each unit individually. If you are in doubt if the unit being marketed is an original one, please find out the list of our official retailers here on the FAQ-section, any other retailers have not received shipments directly from us so we cannot know the origin on their units. There are certain ways to recognize the most common counterfeit units, Tinymight 1: blue electronics circuit board which can be seen when removing the battery (We have never used a blue board in TM1). in TM2 we have ourselves used green, blue and black boards. In the most common fake TM2 units, the battery is inserted the opposite way than ours. There should be a "+" sign printed on the inside of our battery lid, but the fake ones have "-" sign there. If ever in doubt, you can ask for assistance from our customer service. And if you find some retailers selling counterfeit products, please let us know.
Vgoodiez, USA
verdampftnochmal, Germany
Docteur Vapeur, France
La Centrale Vapeur, France
Vapefiend, UK
High Tech Vaporizers, Australia
Instavape, Australia, France
Street Shop, France
Vapelife store, USA
Vaporizer Hut Jersey
Magic Vaporizers Germany
Magic Vaporizers United Kingdom
Vaporizer Hut Jersey
Vapefully, Poland
Vaporshop PL
Sneaky Pete, Canada
Planet Of The Vapes, Canada
The Vape Store, South Africa
Hempers Greece
verdampftnochmal, Germany
Docteur Vapeur, France
La Centrale Vapeur, France
Vapefiend, UK
High Tech Vaporizers, Australia
Instavape, Australia, France
Street Shop, France
Vapelife store, USA
Vaporizer Hut Jersey
Magic Vaporizers Germany
Magic Vaporizers United Kingdom
Vaporizer Hut Jersey
Vapefully, Poland
Vaporshop PL
Sneaky Pete, Canada
Planet Of The Vapes, Canada
The Vape Store, South Africa
Hempers Greece
Technical questions
No. Tinymight is very powerful and requires a lot of current. To get the designed performance out of the Tinymight safely, we only recommend to use high quality high current batteries. . If you have a trustworthy source, you can buy the Molicel P26A, MoliCel P28A, Sony VTC6 battery or LG HG2, or Samsung 30Q, Sony VTC5A, Molicel P26A, Molicel P28A.
Unfortunately there are fake batteries available, so in case of performance problems another battery might fix such ssues.
Tinymight uses Stainless steel convection heater.
Tinymight has an adjustable temperature dial at the back panel. It has 10 steps with half steps in between, so a total of about 20 different temperature settings are available between the range of 120 - 240 degrees Celsius. It is fully temperature controlled with extremely accurate electronics controlling the heater in real time.
The heater of tinymight makes some noise while active. It is a result of the high surface area and low mass of the high powered heater. Switching of current to the heater causes small vibrations that can be heard.
Tinymight is very clean. The vapor is in contact only with either stainless steel or quartz glass.
The heating element is specialized with the largest surface area of any vaporizer heaters. Thanks to this, the surface temperature doesn't need to be as high which transfers again to a purer taste.
There are no glues, no chemicals and no insulation materials used in the assembly, just pure materials, oak wood, stainless steel, glass, aluminum. The only synthetic parts are the electronics board, which is away from the airpath
Troubleshooting guide
There can be multiple reasons:
1) battery is not good enough. Sometimes batteries might fail early, or in case it is a third party battery, it might have not been good enough quality one in the first place. And after extended use, their performance degrades. We recommend only molicel p26a or p28a or 30b. Replacements are vailable locally or via or
2) electrical contacts inside the Tinymight need refreshment. Usually it is easy thing to do and no need to open up the device. You need a Torx T20 screwdriver / bit and then please open the big back end screw just a little bit, 1-2mm should be enough, to get the aluminum end panels to move relative to the wooden body. move them as much as you can, imagine you are trying to scratch the wood underneath them and then retighten the screw very well. Usually this is enough to bring back the original performance if there has been any reduction of permormance.
3) if after verifying the above steps you are still having lower temperatures than expected, but are able to get results with the temperature dial turned up to higher level like 10, you can just simply adjust the calibration of the vape for higher level. The Tinymight has a setting to allow adjust the range of the temperature dial from - 3 to +3 steps relative to the original values. So for example, calibrating it to +3 level means that you would get already at 7 the same results as now at 10. For calibration advice, please visit the last page of
- Please make sure that you have turned the temperature dial to a higher level than 2, there is a protection feature that prevents accidental turn ons if the dial is at a low level position.
If this doesn't help, and you are sure you have a working battery, the only fix is to ship it back to us for repair.
- Sometimes after an impact, the battery spring inside the unit is flattened and cannot provide anymore solid electrical contact. In this unfortunate situation it is possible to fix it if you are able to somehow pull the battery spring upwards, just take out the battery and you will see the spring at the bottom. But you will most probably need to create somekind of a hooked tool. If you are not successful, we can repair the device and it needs to be shipped to us.
- This issue has happened a couple of times and if the lid doesn't seem to come out, it is usually useless to try to take it off as the threads have been then damaged too badly. In that case we can sell you a new batterycap + top panel , and it is easy to change a completely new top panel by opening the big back end screw some 10mm and the old panel will come off and the new one can be inserted and the screw tightened very well. Please not it is best to keep the vape somewhat upwards while taking off the top panel, as otherwise some parts may fall out. We recommend putting some oil or grease to the battery threads to make it move much more smoothly, and this prevents this stuck threads issue from happening.
- Tinymight uses very robust USB charging technology that basically requires you to have just a micro USB charging cable, and a quality USB adapter capable of supplying minimum 2A of current. If the vape is not charging, it can be because the battery is already too much full. The Tinymight requires battery voltage to drop until it allows a new charging cycle to begin. If it is not about this, and you are sure you have a good charging cable and adapter, then the charging electronics or connector might be damaged. In this case it is best to return the unit for repair.
There is a silent mode in the Tinymight that can be accidentally activated and then the vibrations would disappear. But this can be reset easily by opening the battery lid and closing it again. If this does not solve the issue, the most probable reason is that the vibration motor contacts have flattened and don't make a strong enough contact with the electronics board.
it is a very quick and easy to fix. Tools needed: Torx T20 screwdriver / bit and something like a small screwdriver.
1) open and unscrew the big back end screw with the Torx T20 driver. It is a long one, and please hold the top panel when removing the screw, as it will come off otherwise and we don't need that. After the screw has been removed, you are ready to take off the bottom aluminum end panel.
2) the USB charging connector is often a little bit stuck in its hole in back panel. if you just try to pull the panel off, the electronics board is trying to come with it, which is not good. So we recommend to use something small, like a small screwdriver to push same time the USB connector down while pulling out the panel, and all should be easy.
3) You will see the vibtarion motor in the inside of bottom panel. It is placed in its rubber boot, and the upwards facing golden contacts might need to be bent a little but upwards to get them to make a stronger contact with the electronics board. Plese note, that to install the bottom panel successfully, we recommend to hold it in such a position that the button is hanging downwards, this way it will stay where it should and the panel should slide easily on top of electronics board and you can tighten the screw again very well.
- The glass lining inside the Tinymight 2 might break if the unit is dropped. We provide in the accessory section of our webshop the product "glass lining" which can be used to replace the damaged part. The replacement is easy but the unit can be destroyed in the process if you don't do all correctly, and in such case warranty is void. You need a Torx T20 screwdriver / bit and take out the long screw. Remove bottom panel. you will see the electronics board. Under the central hole for the long screw, you will see another hole, this goes all the way to the top panel and there is a screw in there that MUST be loosened before trying to remove the top panel - many have destroyed their units when removing top without loosening the inner screw. you need the same Torx T20 driver (some rare units may need T15 if that does not fit). loosen up the screw for at least 10 full rotations to make sure it is open, and then the top panel comes off. The top panel might not come off easily, as the fit with wood is tight. in such cases heating up the unit in oven (maximum 85 degrees Celsius) for half an hour will help. Some people have used a hair dryer. Then remove the damaged glass lining and drop a replacement there. Please make sure the o-ring is still in place inside the top panel and then just put the unit back together again. It is important to tighten the inner screw again, and the long screw very well.
Please note, that there are two glass linings in the device. 90% cases the top one is damaged, but under it is the other glass lining that holds the heating unit inside of it. If this is damaged, then it is not possible to fix it yourself and we would need to have your unit for repair. To avoid a dissapointment, it is advised you will check already before ordering a replacement glass lining, that the lower glass lining looks to be intact. Do not try to lift it up or remove from the vape, as the heater comes out very easily and it is very difficult to get it back.
- This issue is usually caused by a failed attachment between the temperature dial and the underlying potentiometer part. While this is not a difficult fix for a person who can fix electronics, it requires soldering a new potentiometer in place of the damaged one, and reattaching the dial to it. Usually it is best just to ship the unit back to us and we will fix it.
- Sometimes when using for example some 3rd party dosing capsules, it is possible that the mesh screen that sits above the heater, gets pushed out of its holder and falls right on top of the heater. In this case the heater will not work as supposed as there is a short circuit and the vaporizer will reach insanely high temperateres, and the screen can even melt away partly. For this reason it is not advised to use anything else except our own accessories with the Tinymight. To fix this issue, you should remove the tube holder from the top panel, red o-ring and the metal tube and then you should see the screen holder and if the screen is still in place. Please take out the stainless steel screen holder. If the screen has fallen on top of the heater, you should try to remove it carefully with tweezers.Sometimes it has melt a little bit there, and then special care should be taken. After moving the screen very softly side to side, the molten connection usually breaks and the screen can be taken out. We have replacement screens. Remember that the screen should never be used without being first inserted securely to the screen holder.
Sometimes the huge current caused by the short circuit may have damaged the control electronics of the Tinymight, and the vape might not heat up anymore, or reach the desired temperatures. if the change is small, you might get it fixed simply by recalibrating it with our instructions, but in some cases the only solution is to replace the electronics so we need to get the unit for repair.
- Sometimes the glass stems might have inner diameter variations outside of the allowed tolerances. But there can be another reason too: The cooling unit should have actually 2 different sized orings. They look quite similar but one of them is a 10mm and the other 11mm oring and in case there happens to be two of the smaller orings, it can slide out without much resistance, and in case you have 2 big ones, it may not slide almost at all and it can be tricky to insert the cooling unit. So please make sure you have a mix of two different sized rings there. Our o-ring pack has half of the rings smaller and half of them the larger size.
- This is completely normal, the TInymight uses the bottom aluminum panel as a heatsink during charging to maximize the charging speed. So no worries.